Find Out If You Qualify For $0 Health Insurance

Get The Medical Care You Need Without Worrying About the Cost

Apply Now For New York's $0/Month Essential Plan Health Insurance

All answers provided will only be used to determine eligibility for health insurance.

Your Information Will Never Be Shared With Anyone

The Essential Plan is Currently Only For New York Residents

What is the Essential Plan?

The Essential Plan offered by New York State of Health (NYSOH) in partnership with major insurance providers, is an insurance plan that provides zero cost health insurance to individuals and families who are not eligible for Medicaid and can't afford the high cost of health insurance.

There are 5 different tiers of the Essential Plan and you are enrolled in a tier depending on your annual income.

Every tier includes:

  • No Monthly Premium

  • Dental and Vision Coverage

  • Prescription Medication

  • No Deductible

  • Gym Reimbursement

Depending on Your Tier you may have none or very little copayments for treatment and prescriptions.

Enroll Obamacare is committed to serving you at the highest level will all your Medicare needs.
